Battery Information

Created by using BatteryInfoView

Description Value Value
Battery NameG71C000JQ510G71C000JQ510
Manufacture Name  
Serial Number66
Manufacture Date  
Power StateDischargingDischarging
Current Capacity (in %)100.0%90.0%
Current Capacity Value20 463 mWh25 444 mWh
Full Charged Capacity20 463 mWh28 272 mWh
Designed Capacity36 024 mWh36 024 mWh
Battery Health56.8%78.5%
Voltage11 400 millivolts 11 400 millivolts
Charge/Discharge Rate -2 502 milliwatts -2 502 milliwatts
Chemistry Lithium IonLithium Ion
Low Battery Capacity (1)  
Low Battery Capacity (2)410 mWh570 mWh
Critical Bias  
Number of charge/discharge cycles00
Battery Temperature  
Remaining battery time for the current activity (Estimated)  
Full battery time for the current activity (Estimated)  
Remaining time for charging the battery (Estimated)  
Total time for charging the battery (Estimated)